Form Positive And Negative Statements Or Questions

Did they watch a movie.
Form positive and negative statements or questions. Did he feel sad yesterday. I graduated from the university. 134 verb to be positive negative qu estions sort. His wife doesn t set the table.
Does his wife set the table. They watched a movie yesterday. Sylvia and her husband moved to. Do we love flying kites.
Did he meet her. Learn english english lessons and exercises english test 80362. 167 word order part 2 negative statements and questions 2 7 level. Click here to practise making positive negative and question forms with be exercise 1 click here to practise making positive negative and question forms with be exercise 2 present simple tense with other verbs with all other verbs we make the present simple in the same way.
There is there are positive negative and questions level. We sometimes use phrases like these in front of a statement to ask questions. My son doesn t make his bed. Look at these examples with positive statements you will see that most of the time the auxiliary verb from the positive statement is repeated in the tag and changed to negative.
Do could should is are was were why is are was were. We don t love flying kites. Asking and answering ask the question interrogative clauses direct and indirect interrogative forms. I don t like fruits.
We love flying kites. To make a special question use the same word order as with yes no questions but put a wh word before the verb do or does. You went to the bed early. Carla does not know spanish.
Notice that the tag repeats the auxiliary verb or main verb when be from the statement and changes it to negative or positive. Questions with when where why. One of the boys broke his leg. Jackie takes vitamins every day.
Question and negative form other english exercises on the same topic. Of course the meaning changes from positive to negative. Please change thefollowing positive statements into negative statements. Negative statements and questions a.
175 positive and negative statement tag questions level. We form wh questions with these words by putting the question word in front of a yes no question. A negative question implies that the speaker already knows what is correct. They didn t watch a movie.
Do i like fruits. English simple past tense positive negative question example sentences positive negative question he met his wife 6 years ago. The positive is really easy. He didn t meet her.
Negative questions a regular question is a request for information. Questions change theme similar tests. Joe does not take vitamins every day. How to ask them vocabulary.
My son makes his bed. They are made using wh words such as what where when why which who how how many how much. Form negative questions with the words below. Positive statement tag questions.