Putra Blast Teaching Assessment

The initiatives in the innovative teaching and learning delivery transformation could be implemented by the putra innocreative educator preceptor who enables putra innocreative delivery pride for effective teaching and meaningful learning towards producing future proof putra graduates.
Putra blast teaching assessment. In campus program bachelor and master semester 1. Improving the quality of courses. This system is expected to meet the integration requirements with the latest devices and technologies that can be easily reached. Putrablast is an info structure management and the delivery of learning content teaching and learning assessments progress tracking and monitoring of learning processes at upm.
Iii online lab survey. Click here for more info. Lecturer in universiti putra malaysia for preparing examination paper based on programme outcomes and learning outcomes set in the teaching plan and assessment entries. To get students feedback on the effectiveness of teaching and learning for the purpose of.
Click the link below and log in by using your upmid. Putrablast telah dibangunkan dengan kerjasama pusat pembangunan maklumat dan komunikasi idec menggunakan platform moodle sebagai perantara. If you have any issues regarding the content or profile in putra blast please email to cadeinovasi upm edu my. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance and to provide you with relevant advertising.
All inquiries will be answered not later than 48 working hours idec helpdesk. About scl putralms and teaching assessment in malay. Putra blended learning assistive system and technology putrablast merupakan sistem pengurusan pembelajaran lms universiti putra malaysia yang baharu menggantikan sistem pengurusan pembelajaran lms terdahulu iaitu putralms. Putrablast was developed internally in collaboration with the centre for development of information and communication idec upm by using moodle platform.
Putra blended learning assistive system technology. 2016 idec universiti putra malaysia. Ii online practical survey. Monitoring of lecturers based on the set criteria.
The concept of learning outcomes various learning approaches learning domain taxonomy are presented. Outcome based education learning outcome higher institution assessment 1. And grooming and sustaining educators to be capable and competent. Blast archiving system or blastarc aims to facilitate access and as a reference information as well as files content of the course in the previous semester.